I have always loved tulips, especially white tulips. There is something exiting about seeing them come up in Spring. I love how their heavy blooms sit on top of those stems, which keep growing after they are cut. i love the green of the leaves, I really love everything about about them. Having been an apartment city dweller, I have not had much chance to plant gardens with an eye to what they would look like in 10-15 years.
Things are different at Bunbury. Here we are planting things and letting them grow, just to see how they look in a space. Last fall I planted a couple hundred tulips in different area. Some at the edge of the meado, which were beautiful, some by the backporch, which did not come up in the numbers I had hoped, but as the picture above shows, the ones that did come up are beautiful.
Tulips are not the only things coming to life at the farm. Hostas, lily if the valley, day lilies, violets, ferns, and, of course, the apple trees. The apple trees are covered in bloosoms this time of year. It is hard to walk by the apples and not smile.
We have a dining room table on a smally patio near the apples and it has become a favorite spot for me to sit and have coffee while the dogs do their morning business in the nearby woods. The barn is visable in the picture beyong the trees, the chicken coop sits nearby.
At the edge of the lawn behind the chicken coop, where it meets the woods, I have started to build a rock wall with stones I find in the woods and out in the field. It is slow going, but taking shape. The tulips that really did well were planted behind this wall, so I am planning on adding a couple hundred bulbs this fall.
The adirondack chairs were a wedding gift from my Dad last year, and are a favorite place for him when he visits. The chairs face west, so it is a relaxing spot to end the day.
The flower beds on the south side of the house were not touched at all last year and are rather overgrown. there are some peonies, lilies and these pretty little white flowers that I am planning on keeping.
The kitchen opens to a small porch that has a view of the woods. This is also an excellent place to relax with a cup in the morning. It is a peaceful spot, chickens, frogs peeping, the occasional pheasant screech are all that fill the air. The diverging roads in the wood behind the house have been made by brush being pulled out as we clean the space up.

We are looking forward to Spring and Summer, glad that warm nights are back. Hopefully I will be able to stick to my resolution of posting more often.